Strengthen not only your lower body but your shoulders, arms and back, this exerciser promotes compound movement (two or more muscle groups working cohesively).
Activating groups of muscles together requires more strength, so you’ll burn more calories. Compound exercises bring compounded results!
With 3 adjustable resistance bands, intensify your workout by adding or subtracting bands, each band adds approx. 22 pounds of resistance!
The NO. 077 Trainer includes access to an online training video within the package.
For a preview of the training videos, please see here (the training video is online only and package will not include a DVD): sunnyhealthfitness /pages/no-77workout
Squats are not only effective for building a strong lower body, but also because they deliver a number of ancillary physical benefits, including increased hormone release and improved flexibility.
Tone The lower body by using your glutes, quads, and hamstrings to push yourself down to a squat.
Work your shoulders, back and chest by adding resistance as you pull and push through every rep.
Led monitor tracks your calories, Scan, time and count.
This trainer gives you the freedom to add/remove tension, the three elastic bands can be clipped on/off the seat to adjust to any fitness level.
Not only does it offer the ability to do a full-range squat but you can also add variety by doing high, median and low zone squats pulses.
Add or remove rubber bands to adjust resistance levels. Each band adds approx. 22 pounds of resistance

If you’re looking for the most recommended exercise equipment, then this product is a great option. Many good reviews have already proved the quality of this product.
If you would like to know more about this product you can Click Here to Read More About It’s Top Features
If this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure order now to avoid disappointment. This is the lowest price we have found online.
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